School Counseling

Counseling Secretaries

Amy DeVaux: (860) 571-8267Tia Czarnecki: (860) 571-8267Fax: (860) 571-8233

School Counselors

Cynthia Bryan: (860) 571-8264Matthew DeGuire: (860) 571-8266Sara Coffey: (860) 571-8251Jennifer Lindsay: (860) 571-8285Sophie Kapetanopoulos: (860) 571-8236Abby Stepka: (860) 571-8261

Course Catalog:

See video to the right for directions on how to select your courses on PowerSchool

College Planning

Please visit Naviance for a list of College/Military visits and signups as well as Scholarship opportunities


Transcript Requests

Please use this for Alumni, Coaches, and Personal Requests or transcripts for colleges:

AP Testing Information


If you have any AP questions, please contact Stephanie Jacques at