Register Your Student
Children eligible to enter Kindergarten in August 2025 must reach their 5th birthday on or before September 1, 2025
Welcome to Wethersfield Public Schools
Registration for students in grades Pre-K through 12 occurs through an on-line registration process.
If you do not have access to a computer please visit the Wethersfield Public Library or contact
Suzanne Curtin in the Registration Office at 860-571-8162 for assistance.
Please follow the three steps below to register a new student in one of the Wethersfield Public Schools.
If your student is a Wethersfield resident, he/she must be registered with our school system, even if he/she plans to enroll at a regional Magnet, Technical or Vo-Ag school.
Step 1 - Carefully review the following:
Directory of School Assignments (to find your home elementary school)
Step 2 - Complete the Online New Student Registration process.
You will create a new account first. Save your login information in case you need to return to this site. Please note, your registration is not complete until you have completed step #3 and are approved by the Wethersfield Public Schools Residency Officer.
Step 3 - Contact your new school.
At the completion of your online pre-registration, you will be prompted to contact your child's school. A list below has been provided to you of these contacts. You will be asked to provide several required documents which are listed when you complete the online process. The information is also listed above in step #1, Registration and Residency Requirements. Please continue with the registration process even if the health form is not yet complete. The health record must be on file prior to the student's first day of school; but do not delay the registration process while waiting to complete the physical exam.
Wethersfield High School
411 Wolcott Hill Road
Silas Deane Middle School
551 Silas Deane Highway
A.W. Hanmer Elementary
50 Francis Street
Charles Wright Elementary
186 Nott Street
Emerson-Williams Elementary
461 Wells Road
Highcrest Elementary
95 Highcrest Street
Samuel B. Webb Elementary
51 Willow Street
Important Notes About PreSchool Registration
Please do not register your preschool student unless you have been notified that your child has been accepted into the program.
Families of children who do not require special education services that would like their child to attend the Wethersfield Public School Preschool program as a peer playmate must enter a lottery. This lottery is held in the spring prior to the upcoming school year. Typically, 18 peer playmates will be selected to participate in the prek 3 program. Once a child is accepted into the program, he/she do not have to reenter the lottery for the following school year for the prek 4 program. A prek 4 lottery will only be held if openings are available for the upcoming school year. The Pre K lottery ends on March 8th.
Lottery Process
Information on becoming a Peer Playmate is publicized on the district website and in local newspapers in December/January.
Children must turn 3 by October 1st of the upcoming school year in order to apply to participate in the lottery.
Families who would like their child to be considered for the peer playmate program need to complete an application by the specified deadline. Families should call to get an application from the pupil services office (860-571-8141) or by clicking here.
Families that submit the completed application will be invited to bring their child to a peer playmate screening. Observational information will be gathered during a 30-45 minute screening. Focus areas during this screening include: personal social, communication, cognitive and motor skills.
Students who demonstrate age appropriate skills in the above stated areas will be placed into the second phase of the lottery. This will consist of blind selection of student names. Children not selected will be placed on a waiting list. Please note that peer playmates must be toilet trained prior to start of school.
Important Notes About Kindergarten Registration
Children eligible to enter Kindergarten in August 2025 must reach their
5th birthday on or before September 1, 2025
**Beginning with the 2024-2025 school year, children needed to turn 5 years old on or before September 1st in order to be automatically eligible for kindergarten. This is a change from the previous cutoff date January 1st. Please read the New Age for Kindergarten Entry document for more information on this new state law.
Kindergarten registration begins on February 1st each year. Please register your kindergarten student prior to May 1st. School-based orientations for parents are tentatively scheduled in May. This orientation provides parents the opportunity to meet staff and learn more about the kindergarten program and the school.
Story Time, a school visit for the new kindergarten students, will also occur in May. Parents will receive information regarding Story Time, once their child has been registered.
If you plan to withhold your child from kindergarten for the school year, Connecticut State Law 98-243 requires that you personally appear at the elementary school and sign a document indicating that your child will be held out for the year. The purpose of the legislation is not to interfere with the rights of parents but to provide information to assist in making an informed decision.
Registration Materials Pre-K - Grade 12
Authorization to Release Information To/From Wethersfield Public Schools
Early Childhood CT Student Health Assessment Form (PreK)
CT Student Health Assessment Form (K-12)
CT Oral Health Assessment Form
Immunization Guidelines (2024-2025)
Immunization Guidelines (2025-2026)
Free and Reduced Lunch Application
Magnet School Registration & Residency Verification Memo
School Calendar (2024-2025) , (2025-2026)
Student and Parent/Guardian Policy Acknowledgements (handbook, acceptable use & permission to publish student work, photo and video)
Voluntary Student Accident Insurance
Tips: Getting Ready for Kindergarten
Hello Kindergarten! brochure (Spanish)
Preschool Questionnaire for incoming K students
Student Information Update and Forms
Change in Address Form - If your student is already registered and you have a change of address, please complete this form and return to the school office with appropriate documentation.
School Health Services
If you wish to speak with the school nurses, please call the school nurse at the school your child will attend.
Each Wethersfield School is staffed by a professional registered nurse who oversees the school health program. The school nurse works as a liaison with other school personnel, families, and the community regarding the health and well being of the students.
The following is a partial list of the services provided on a routine basis.
Hearing and Impedance Testing
Vision Testing
Nursing assessment of student illness or injury occurring during school hours.
Prevention of disease transmission.
Administration of medication and provision of medical treatments, if necessary, during school hours.
Health Education
Advocacy for the health needs of children
Children Requiring Medication
Children who require medication in school must have on file with the school nurse a written order from their physician and written permission from a parent or guardian. The parent must supply the medication. These forms may also be obtained from the school nurse.
School Nurses
Wethersfield High School
Elda Marcelynas, BSN RN
(860) 571-8200 or (860) 571-8259
Silas Deane Middle School
Linda Ciarcia, BSN RN
(860) 571-8300
A.W. Hanmer Elementary
Kimberley Fleury, BSN RN
(860) 571-8370
Charles Wright Elementary
Jordan Murray
(860) 571-8350
Emerson-Williams Elementary
Kathleen Maffuid, BSN RN NCSN
(860) 571-8360
Highcrest Elementary
Judy Pluskota, BSN RN
(860) 571-8380
Samuel B. Webb Elementary
Maria Valentino, BSN RN
(860) 571-8340
Corpus Christi School
Susan Cowan, RN
(860) 529-7261
Home Instruction Information
Parents/Guardians choosing to provide home instruction for their child must complete a Notice of Intent.
Once completed, please send the signed form to:
Wethersfield Public Schools
Attn: Office of Curriculum & Instruction
127 Hartford Ave, Wethersfield, CT 06109
OR email:
Home Instruction
Please contact the Assistant Superintendent's Office for more information - 860-571-8142