Wethersfield Early Childhood Collaborative
What is WECC?
The Wethersfield Early Childhood Collaborative (WECC) is a group of committed partners who engage and connect families with resources, helping children experience a healthy start.
WECC’s vision is a community that values the early years (prenatal through age 8), where families feel welcomed and connected to one another and have the resources they need to raise healthy children who are developmentally ready for school socially, emotionally, physically, academically, and behaviorally.
Funding – In the last 3 years WECC partners have brought $317,500 in funding for new early childhood initiatives including $32,000 raised by the Wethersfield Mayor’s Charity Ball for Preschool Scholarships.
Parent Leadership Training - WECC has completed 3 sessions of UConn’s People Empowering People (PEP) program, graduating 29 residents. We have applied to the State of CT for funding for a 4th session.
ESL Family Literacy Program - WECC is currently running the 3rd year of our multi-generational literacy program at Trinity Church called Family Learning. We currently have 14 families attending. We offer ESL classes to the adults and preschool and daycare to the children, ages 6 weeks to 4 years old. Each year our classes have shown growth in English proficiency.
Kindergarten Readiness - WECC ran the 3rd year of Summer Transition to Kindergarten, a 2 week summer program offered to incoming WPS kindergarten students who have not had any preschool.
Professional Development for Preschool Teachers - WECC, in partnership with the Village for Children & Families and Romp-n-Roll, offered professional development training to area preschool providers on the topic of Social/Emotional development in early childhood.
WECC meets on the second Monday of every month, 4:30 – 6:00 p.m. in the Wethersfield Library Children’s Program Room (no meeting in December).
For more information, contact: Kimberly Bobin, Family & Early Childhood Coordinator, 860-721-2885 or kbobin@wethersfield.me
For more WECC information, e-mail wethersfieldchildhood@gmail.com or visit: www.wethersfieldchildhood.com