Elementary School
Regular School Day: 8:30AM-3:00PM
Minimum School Day: 8:30AM-12:55 PM
Student Drop off 8:10AM
School Cancellations - Driving Directions
Phone: (860) 571-8360 | Fax: (860) 721-0044
Emerson-Williams Registration Hours: 9:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. (no appointment necessary)
Is your child going to be absent or tardy today? Email EWAttendance@wethersfield.me
Keane After School Programs
Click here for a brochure (pg. 15) for Keane After School Programs at Emerson Williams. This is a wonderful opportunity for students to explore new talents and hobbies or find a new passion. I highly recommend looking into these offerings through the parks and rec. program. You can also get more information on Keane programs by clicking here.
Kindergarten Registration Announcement!
Attention parents and guardians! Kindergarten registration for the upcoming academic year kicked off on February 1st, 2024.
To ensure a smooth enrollment process, we invite you to visit our official registration webpage. Click here to explore crucial information regarding kindergarten registration. This includes necessary documents, key dates, and any additional details you may need to prepare for this significant milestone in your child's education.