Charles Wright
Elementary School
Elementary School
Samantha Gervais - Administrative Secretary
Michelle Elliott - Administrative Clerk
186 Nott Street, Wethersfield, CT 06109
Phone: (860) 571-8350 | Fax: (860) 563-2198
Regular School Day: 8:30AM - 3:00 PM
Minimum School Day: 8:30AM - 12:55 PM
Student Drop off 8:10AM
Is your child going to be absent or tardy today? Email
Events & Announcements
Keane After School Programs
Click here for a brochure (pg. 14) for Keane After School Programs at Charles Wright. This is a wonderful opportunity for students to explore new talents and hobbies or find a new passion. I highly recommend looking into these offerings through the parks and rec. program. You can also get more information on Keane programs by clicking here.
Mission Statement
It is our goal at Charles Wright Elementary to have each student
Acquire skills and knowledge for life-long learning.
Develop a positive sense of self esteem.
Function as a responsible citizen in society.
Understand one’s own ethical, aesthetic, and intellectual values and respect those of others.
Charles Wright Pledge
I am a Charles Wright Star!
Charles Wright Stars create SCHOOL PRIDE
Today I'll try to be respectful
Today I'll try to be independent
Today I'll try to be dependable
Today I'll try to be engaged
Today I am a Charles Wright star!