Wethersfield Public Schools bus routes are devised using group/cluster bus stops in order to serve multiple students at each stop on a particular road or in a certain area. This allows for effective and safe transportation in a timely fashion. While most bus stops remain over time, bus stops can change due to enrollment. Please be aware that a bus stop that existed at a certain location last school year may change for the current school year. As always, Wethersfield Public Schools is committed to providing safe, timely, cost-effective transportation for our Students.
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Transportation Eligibility
Distance for Transportation Service
Transportation will be provided to Students enrolled in the Wethersfield Public Schools who live greater than the distance stated below:
Elementary School (Grades 1-6) Greater than 1.0 mile
Silas Deane Middle School Greater than 1.5 miles
Wethersfield High School Greater than 2.0 miles
Please refer to our Street Directory to check for transportation eligibility at all levels. There may be instances where some students living within the defined “walk zone” will be eligible for transportation due to known hazardous conditions on walking paths, bridges, waterways and over/underpasses.
Bus Routes & Stop Assignments
Wethersfield Public Schools Bus Routes utilize cluster/group stops to serve multiple students effectively in a timely and safe manner. While most bus stops remain unchanged over the years it is necessary to move and add new stops based on enrollment. Routes will be posted on our Transportation page for the upcoming school year as soon as available and notifications will be sent in Parent Square. Each route will contain the Trip #, Stop Location and pick up time. Please be aware that routes and pick up times can change over the first few weeks of school to meet the needs of incoming registrations and additional route changes. Once the routes have been completed, updated routes will be posted on our Transportation page and each school's site as well. Please note: Special Education, Outplacement and Technical routes are not posted for privacy reasons, please contact the office or use the Bus Inquiry for your pick up time and location.
Transportation Guidelines
Students should arrive at their bus stop Ten (10) minutes prior to the scheduled pick-up time and be prepared to wait ten minutes after the scheduled pick-up time. Please keep in mind that student pick up times are estimates. This window of time prior to and after allows for traffic, road conditions, weather and any unexpected delays at other stops or schools.
Students must be outside waiting for their bus or van at their assigned stop—this means no waiting in garages, at the window, on porches, inside your home/car, etc.
The Driver will continue on if the student/students are not present at their assigned stop.
The driver cannot leave the driver’s seat.
Buses can not wait at bus stops for parents so that a student can be released.
A Parent, Guardian or Authorized adult MUST BE PRESENT at the bus stop location to meet their student/student’s who are in Kindergarten or Special Services. If an authorized person/parent is not at the bus stop your child will be brought back to school. This also applies for any student who does not feel comfortable getting off alone.
Bus Stop/Route Changes
Wethersfield Public Schools Bus Routes utilize cluster/group stops to serve multiple students effectively in a timely and safe manner. While most bus stops remain unchanged over the years it is necessary to move and add new stops based on enrollment. If you have a complaint or concern regarding safety, road hazards, location of an existing bus stop or walking distance please use the Bus Stop Change/Inquiry to contact our office. When a Request is received all factors are considered before a determination is made. This includes:
Number of Stops on the route
Distance between each stop on the route
Bus stop location
Number of students at each stop and their ages.
The overall time and distance of the route
Walking distance to the bus stop.
A determination will be made in conjunction with the Transportation Provider and our Office and will be communicated in writing. The Town Engineer’s office will make all final determinations on Walking Distance Appeals that can not be resolved in this office (determined by linear ft). Please note: A request alone is not a guarantee that your stop or route will change. Bus stops are not added or changed based on weather/temperature/season and will not be considered.
Transportation Privileges
Wethersfield Public Schools expects model student behavior while utilizing transportation to and from school, as transportation is a privilege. Rules and regulations set forth by the Board of Education and Transportation Company are for driver, student, staff and parent safety. If a student misbehaves on a school transportation vehicle, a Bus Conduct Report will be completed by the driver and sent to the relevant school administrator and transportation office for review and potential discipline. Parents and students should be aware that inappropriate behavior may result in suspension of transportation privileges.
Student & Parent Information/Guidelines
Kindergarten Students
Kindergarten students qualify for Bus Transportation, regardless of distance. However, upon entering 1st Grade, students will then be subject to the distance requirements stated above. Kindergarten Students should arrive at their scheduled stops 10 minutes prior to their scheduled stop time and adhere to the transportation guidelines below.
Please make sure a parent, guardian or authorized adult is with your student(s) when boarding the bus in the morning and afternoon.
If you have a list of adults or a babysitter who are authorized to pick up your student please submit an Authorized Persons form to keep on file. Bus Drivers do check with our Office when someone different is caring for your child.
Kindergarten students who will be transported to/from a Daycare Facility, Y Program or an Alternate Address for care, must fill out a change request with our office.
Kindergarten students whose registration is completed past the cutoff to be rostered to a stop (August 25th) may use the closest stop to their home until a bus assignment is made and the student is rostered to a bus.
Students transported are asked to behave as they would in school and be considerate of others.
Do not leave trash at the bus stop.
Follow the bus behavior rules, including no eating or drinking on school vehicles.
Remain seated, facing forward and in an upright position while on the bus.
Student’s must use their assigned bus stop. Exceptions must be made in writing using the Alternate Address/Daycare form and approved by the Transportation office.
Students are not allowed to use another bus route or bus stop to go to a friend’s house or vice versa.
Student’s carrying instruments must keep them out of the walkway of the bus and in the seat with them.
Please report lost items to your parents or teacher with your bus number as soon as possible. As soon as lost items are located, arrangements will be made to return or pick up the lost items.
Student’s can not ask the driver to stop the bus to get off for any reason.
Parents - Please instruct your child to
Wait for the bus driver to activate the red SOS lights and wait for the driver to motion them across the street, if necessary.
Wait on the sidewalk, if possible.
Wait until the bus stops before trying to board. Students must not rush onto the bus, and once on board should take their seats quickly or follow driver directions if assigned seating is in effect.
Parents may not board the bus
Parents may not utilize their own student(s) car seat or booster on the bus or van.
Parents may not ask the bus driver to drop their student off at another location other than their assigned stop.
Parents can not request the Driver to change a stop or driving directions on the route. Driver’s must drive their route as written by the routing software or bus company.
All bus stop/route changes must be board approved. Neither the Bus Driver nor Bus Company can alter a route or stop without Board Approval.
All requests for change must be in writing, verbal requests are not considered.
Alternate Bus Stops & Day care Transportation
Transportation to DayCare Providers
Wethersfield Public Schools offers transportation to and from Daycare provided the Daycare facility is in their student’s respective school district. This also applies to Home Daycare Facilities and personal arrangements with friends or family. For Instance: Hanmer school students are provided transportation to/from the Rainbow Center, as the Rainbow center is within the Hanmer school district, however, students can not be transported to/from Pride and Joy as that Daycare is in the Charles Wright district. Some larger facilities provide their own Transportation Services.
PRIDE AND JOY LEARNING CENTER CHARLES WRIGHT (within walking distance no transportation)
Below is a List of Day Care Facilities that provide their own transportation services and service schools in Wethersfield. Upon registration please confirm with the facility that they are still providing transportation to your student(s) district school.
YMCA Program Before & After Care
Wethersfield Public Schools partners with the YMCA for before and after school care. If you wish to have your student(s) participate please refer to the link to register: Y Program: Before and After School Care
Alternate Bus Stops & Addresses
Similar to Day care Facilities, students may utilize an address for Transportation, that is not their home address, for childcare purposes or personal arrangements before or after school. In these instances a Day care/Alternate Address Change Request must be submitted and approved by the Transportation Office. The Transportation address must be in the same school district and eligible for Transportation. Requests for Transportation in an area that is within walking distance will not be considered. Once the change is confirmed your student(s) and parent(s) alike will be notified of the change and any communications regarding Transportation will be adjusted accordingly. Multiple stop locations morning or afternoon are not allowed. This is strictly enforced. You must maintain the same schedule M-F AM/PM.
Student’s can not have multiple pick up addresses AM or PM
Student’s can not have different addresses AM/PM for monthly or weekly terms.
Student’s must honor the change request that their parent/guardian has set into place and can not choose to do something different. Any changes back to their original assignment must be made in writing on the Transportation Change Request.
The only exception to the above is being dropped off/picked up at school by an authorized person or daycare or staying for an after school program.
As always there are unique circumstances that apply to some families. Please feel free to contact the Transportation Office so that we can aid in finding a solution.
Specialized Transportation (Door to Door)
Special Education : Outplaced : Pre-K
Students who qualify for Specialized Door to Door transportation are referrals from our Special Services Department Only. Either a Staff member from Special Services, your students teacher or Transportation will notify parents of arrangements for Specialized Transportation. Specialized Transportation routes are NOT posted to the website for privacy reasons. Please adhere to the guidelines below. Please note: Parents can not request Specialized Transportation for their student. Only requests from Special Services will be considered.
Students must be ready 10 minutes prior to pick up time.
If your student requires a harness, please make sure your student is wearing the harness upon bus arrival.
The Driver can not get out of his/her seat or buckle/harness your child.
Parents must buckle their students' seat belt, car seat or harness if necessary.
If your student is going to be absent from the bus please let the Transportation Office know by using the Absent Today Form or a phone call to our Office @ 860-571-8115.
Buses can not wait for parents/authorized adults in the afternoon to meet their students. Please make sure that you have given all of your information to special services about authorized parents/adults, getting off the bus alone, and contact information to avoid your student being returned to school.
Parents may not use their own car seats or safety equipment.
Parents may not ride the bus with their student(s)
If your student goes to Daycare please make sure to fill out the DayCare/ Alternate Address Transportation Request to ensure your child has Transportation to their before or after school care program.
If your student(s) requires any special equipment or therapy animals, please make sure that the school, transportation office, transportation company and all parties involved have a copy of the proper documentation and the request has been verified.
Technical Schools
Wethersfield Public Schools works with Glastonbury Vo-Ag and Connecticut Technical High Schools in the Region. Schools where transportation is provided can also change based on enrollment. The student must meet the Initial criteria to be considered for transportation:
The Student is Registered as a Wethersfield student
The Student is a Wethersfield Resident
Residency has been approved
Upon meeting the initial criteria above the school must have a minimum of 6 Wethersfield Resident students enrolled in order for transportation to be provided NO COST. In situations where the enrollment criteria is not met parents may be eligible to receive paid mileage. If you would like to receive information or make a Mileage Reimbursement Agreement please fill out the Mileage Reimbursement Information form and someone from the Business Department will contact you. Please Note: Mileage is not offered to students who choose to drive themselves to and from school. Additionally, Mileage is only offered when a route or shared route is not provided.
General Information
Late Opening/Early Dismissal/School Cancellation Notification
Wethersfield Public School currently utilizes Parent Square as a means of notification for Early Dismissal, Delayed Opening and School Cancellation, along with television and radio station notification. On occasion, Parent Square will be used to communicate bus delays, combined routes and substitute drivers. If you have not yet signed up with ParentSquare, use the ParentSquare link to access the easy sign up instructions provided. Please note: Delayed Openings are 2 hours ; please add 2 hours to your student’s a.m. pick up time. Early Dismissal follows minimum school day hours.
Decline or Temporary Transportation Opt-Out
If your student(s) are not going to utilize Transportation provided for a prolonged period of time(ie: parents drive, student driver, before or after school program), please help us to streamline the routes for time and efficiency by filling out the Decline/Resume Transportation form. You are always able to resume transportation at any time with a few days notice.
Medical Requests
If your student suffers an injury during the school year or has a medical issue that may require a change to their transportation status, please notify the Nurse at your students school of attendance at once. Include any documentation with your request. If warranted the School will arrange for Specialized Transportation. Not every medical request warrants a change in transportation. All final determinations regarding Medical Transportation will be made in conjunction with the Nurse Administrator, Special Services and the Transportation Office.
Change of Address
Residents who are moving to a new address must fill out a Change of Address form. Please submit the Change of Address form to your student’s school secretary along with any required supporting documents for proof of Residency. Wethersfield Public Schools must have the Residency Officer approve any new address before transportation arrangements can be determined.
New Registrations
Parents of New Wethersfield Students must register their student(s) prior to receiving a determination on transportation. Transportation is not arranged until a Registration Confirmation is received. Additionally, upon receipt of Registration Confirmation, regular transportation takes 5 school days to arrange and confirm and Specialized Transportation Requests can take up to ten (10) school days. For Registration Information or to start the process please click on: Student Registration or visit the WPS Home Page.