Chromebook/iPad Central

Wethersfield Public Schools (WPS) is committed to providing our students with devices for learning.  As with any book or materials that are used during the school year, students should ensure great care of their WPS assigned device. While we recognize that accidents happen, we are committed to helping our students grow into responsible and respectful digital citizens and expect that WPS devices will be treated with care. We appreciate your support. 

The District will cover the cost of repair for the first two instances of accidental damage. Additional damage beyond two repairs will result in a charge for the cost of the part, or for replacement of the full device if it is beyond repair with the exception of iPads. Any type of damage caused to an iPad will result in a bill for the full replacement price. Any lost or non-repairable device will also be charged at the full replacement price (currently $250). If the case and charger are also lost, they will be additionally charged at a rate of $25 for the case and 26$ for chargers. A bill will be issued from the WPS Business Office. 

WPS Chromebook Initiative Frequently Asked Questions

How will Chromebooks be safely transported during the school day and between school and home?


Will my child need any additional accessories for their Chromebook?


Should my student bring their battery charger to school?


How does my student connect to the internet at home on their Chromebook?


What happens to the Chromebook if my child leaves the district?


How often will the Chromebook be used in the classroom?


What if I don’t have internet access at home?

Our goal is to provide equal access to technology for all students of the Wethersfield Public Schools.


How do I clean my Chromebook?


Can I personalize/decorate my Chromebook?


Can parents/siblings use the device?

What should I do if my Chromebook is broken or lost?

Can the district monitor my online activity when I am using the school-issued Chromebook at home or at school?

Can I use a personal laptop, Chromebook, tablet, other device in classes instead of my district-issued Chromebook?

Visit our Chromebook troubleshooting page for some quick solutions.

Do you have a question that wasn't answered? Contact, to reach a member of the Technology Team!