WPS News Archive
It is time to Register for Kindergarten!
Any child who turns five years old on or before September 1, 2025 can enroll in kindergarten. Please register your kindergarten student prior to May 1st.
School-based orientations will be held May 1, 2025 at 6:30pm at all elementary schools. This orientation, for registered families, provides parents the opportunity to meet staff and learn more about the kindergarten program and the school.
Silas Deane Middle School Drama Club Presents: Beauty and the Beast
Join us on March 14th, 15th, and 16th for the SDMS Drama Club's performance of Beauty and the Beast-- Tickets are on sale now!
Click Here to learn more
Wethersfield High School Drama proudly presents Hello Dolly!
Wethersfield High School Drama proudly presents Hello Dolly! on March 7 and 8 at 7:30pm, and March 9 at 3:00pm in the WHS Auditorium, 411 Wolcott Hill Road. Join us for this family friendly, classic musical. You'll leave the show humming well known tunes and with a smile on your face!
Tickets on sale at www.CUR8.com beginning February 24, $15/12 students and seniors. Online box office closes four hours before that day's performance. Tickets also sold at the door, $17/14. Handicapped accessible. For more information, sblanzaco@wethersfield.me
Click Here for more information!
24-25 Superintendent's Awards
On November 21st, Superintendent Michael Emmett hosted his final Superintendent's Awards ceremony before his retirement at the end of this school year. Congratulations to all of the student, staff, and parent award recipients!
Public Information Session - Swing School Location Options
Thursday, January 23, 2025
6:00 - 8:00 PM
Town Council Chambers (Or can be livestreamed on YouTube/ Wethersfield Public Access TV)
Superintendent Search Surveys
We are excited to announce that the Superintendent Search surveys are now available. This is a valuable opportunity for you to share your thoughts and opinions in the search for our new school leader. Your feedback is essential in helping us find the best candidate to lead our schools, and we encourage you to participate and make your voice heard.
Please click a link below to complete the survey at your earliest convenience. Your input will play a crucial role in shaping the future of our schools. The survey is available in three languages; English, Albanian, and Spanish.
The survey will remain open until 11:55pm on January 17th.
Annual Strategic Plan Update 2023-2024
We are excited to share the annual update on the Wethersfield Public Schools Strategic Plan for 2023-2024, a roadmap that guides Wethersfield Public Schools toward a future of excellence. This plan, approved by the Wethersfield Board of Education last year, focuses on three key goals: Student Achievement, Civic & Family Engagement, and Management, Operations & Finance.
WHS Business Breakfast
December 12, 2024, at the Pitkin Community Centre, Wethersfield High Career Technical Education students stepped up to the podium one by one, sharing their stories with 41 local business leaders over breakfast. Their speeches brought their classroom experiences to life as each student described their projects and connected them to their future career goals.
The morning wasn't just about listening - between the student presentations, business leaders, teachers, and students connected over coffee and food. These conversations built on what the students had shared from the podium, turning their speeches into starting points for deeper discussions about career paths and opportunities.
During the event, we also took a moment to recognize The Hartford as our Employer of the Year, celebrating their role in opening doors for our students. Wethersfield continues to seek partnerships with professionals to strengthen student opportunities and shape their futures; these connections made over morning coffee mark just another step in the partnerships between education and industry that will help guide our students toward their career goals.
Wethersfield Early Childhood Screening
Wethersfield Public Schools offers developmental screenings for all children ages 3-5 years old who reside in Wethersfield. The screening provides an opportunity for our preschool team to observe your child in a small setting and to listen to your families’ concerns about their children’s development.
Wethersfield Veteran's Day Ceremony
On November 11th, students, staff, public officials, and members of the community came together at Wethersfield High School to honor all who served. A special thank you to The American Legion Bourne Keeney Post 23, the Department of CT Disable American Veterans, Wethersfield Parks and Recreation, and Wethersfield High School for coming together to provide a memorable ceremony.
Click here to view some photos from the event
Click here to view the video of the event
Hispanic Heritage Month - Coffee Hour!
In honor of Hispanic Heritage Month, Emerson-Williams Elementary hosted a Coffee hour on October 3rd! Families and school staff got together to have good conversation and take part is some fun activities!
Keane Enrichment Program Showcase
We are celebrating the Richard M. Keane Foundation’s 23-Year Success Story this September!
This event is also thanks for the support of the community, for state and local grants, and for individual donations that make our programs possible. Afterschool programs have become important post-pandemic to enhance social and emotional skills lost during COVID.
Please join us at an Open House to recognize Keane Kids Enrichment Programs.
September 26, 2024, 5:30 pm - 8:30 pm
9/11 Memorial Sports Center
Wethersfield Community Center
30 Greenfield Street
Wethersfield, CT
Teacher and Paraeducator of the Year
Please join us in congratulating Kimberly Troy, the recipient of the 24-25 Teacher of the Year award, and Angela Toner, the recipient of the 24-25 Paraeducator of the Year award!
Teacher of the Year Award Statement
Paraeducator of the Year Award Statement
The Class of 2024 Graduates
ConGRADulations to the Class of 2024! We're so proud to watch you grow and become amazing people throughout your time in Wethersfield Public Schools. We hope to see you go far in your journey!
Join Us! Wethersfield Community Conversation Book Club
The Anxious Generation: How the Great Rewiring of Childhood is Causing an Epidemic of Mental Illness by Jonathan Haidt
This is a critical read for parents, caregivers, educators, older students, policy makers, community members & YOU! Join us to discuss the rapidly changing landscape of childhood & the impact of social media on developing minds and mental health. Together we will talk about the problems & solutions. For more information and to sign up, click here!
The results of the latest BOE Community Survey are in! Click the links below to view the results and comments.
Elementary School Building Survey Results
Compilation of the Survey Comments
WPS - Looking to the Future - Equity
We are pleased to share the next video in the ongoing video series designed to showcase the three pillars of Empathy, Achievement, and Equity and introduce the new Strategic Plan that was recently approved by the Wethersfield Board of Education. What does equity mean to you?
Total Eclipse of the Art
Advanced Placement Art and Design is excited to announce "Total Eclipse of the Art ," the 2024 AP Art and Design Exhibit.
Please join this group of talented young artists for an Opening Reception on Thursday May 23rd from 5-7pm as we celebrate this group of talented young artists and their accomplishments. All of the artists would love to see you there!
WPS - Looking to the Future
We are pleased to share the next video in the ongoing video series designed to showcase the three pillars of Empathy, Achievement, and Equity and introduce the new Strategic Plan that was recently approved by the Wethersfield Board of Education.
Kid Chair/Kid Mayor Trip
On April 24th, students nominated as Kid Chair and Kid Mayor paid a visit to the Capitol to learn about the building and its functions.
Cabaret for a Cause
On May 11, Wethersfield High School Drama proudly presents its third annual "Cabaret for a Cause," This year, 100% of the proceeds will be donated to TIDE Cancer Foundation, (www.tidecancerfoundation.org). Click Here for more information
Wethersfield Community Survey on the Future of Our Elementary School Buildings
The Wethersfield Board of Education is gathering feedback from the public about our elementary school buildings. Although the 2022 Referendum failed, we are now moving forward with next steps to create a new long-range building plan that we hope will be approved in the future. Note that there are other factors that may decide some of these matters for us, but we feel it is important to first hear your input.
Please take a few minutes to answer this brief online survey by clicking this link:
This survey is anonymous and will run for approximately two weeks.
*Tip for cell phones: a few questions will require you to slide your screen to the left to rank your choices.
WPS - Looking to the Future
We are excited to introduce the Wethersfield Public Schools: Looking to the Future video series and revised Wethersfield Public School Strategic Plan! This ongoing video series is designed to showcase the three pillars of Empathy, Achievement, and Equity.
Please join us in celebrating our students, staff, and the amazing things happening in our schools as our students become great communicators, problem solvers and collaborators.
Central CT Health District April Newsletter
Discover the Latest Insights on Healthy Living and Community Health in the April Edition of the Central CT Health District Newsletter!
Parent Bill of Rights for EL/MLs
On January 3, 2024, the State Board of Education adopted the Parent Bill of Rights for English Learners/Multilingual Learners (ELs/MLs). This resource organizes and elevates the rights that parents have to language access and affirms the access that ELs/MLs have to grade-level content, language instruction programs, and interventions. Since its adoption, the CSDE has had the document translated into the 16 most commonly used languages in CT. You can view the Bill of Rights for EL/MLs here in 16 different languages.
WPS Renovation Project - Building for The Future
Dive into the details of our schools renovations project. Click on this news post to learn more and stay connected for a first hand look at the exciting developments shaping the future of Wethersfield Public Schools.
Join us on Friday, March 22nd at 7pm and Saturday, March 23rd at 2pm for a dazzling performance.
Tickets are just $5 for children and seniors, $10 for adults. Grab yours now and get ready for an unforgettable show!
Checks can be made to Highcrest PTO or Venmo @HighcrestPTO. In the memo line, please write Newsies
Click on the image for ticket flyer
Empty bowls is an international project to fight hunger, personalized by artists on a community level. Join us for a heartwarming winter meal and a chance to make a difference in our community! Our art students from elementary to high school are crafting unique ceramic bowls to symbolize the empty bowls in our community.
📅 Date: Thursday, March 21st, 2024
NEW Kindergarten age requirement
There is a NEW age requirement for the incoming kindergarten class of 2024-25. Beginning fall 2024, children must turn five years old on or before September 1 of the school year in order to enroll in kindergarten.
SDMS presents "Mary Poppins Jr"
Tickets are available to purchase using this link.
NEW This year for SDMS: Tickets are digital and you will be able to pre-reserve which seat you would like! Tickets will be on sale up until 3 hours before showtime, then can be bought at the door! We are SUPER (califragilisticexpialidocious) excited to see you in our SDMS Auditorium soon!
Ticketing Questions? Ecaravella@wethersfield.me
📅 Date: March 15, 16 at 7pm & March 17th at 2:30pm
Mayor Celebrates Emerson-Williams 5th Graders' Achievements
Wethersfield Town Mayor, Ken Lesser, celebrates with Emerson-Williams 5th graders Brady Schaff and Collin Craig, who were honored with the Wethersfield Kid Board of Education Chair and Kid Mayor titles, alongside Wethersfield Board of Education Chair, Bobbie Granato, and Emerson-Williams Principal, Neela Thakur. A bright future in the making!
Wethersfield Public School's Affinity Group is sponsoring the district's second BIPOC (Black Indigenous People of Color) community event on Thursday, March 14, 2024, from 5-7 PM at the Pitkin Community Center, 30 Greenfield Street, Wethersfield, CT. Everyone is welcome to this great family event. Come, explore, experience, and share.
WHS Drama presents "The Mystery of Edwin Drood"
Join us for a rollicking romp through Charles Dickens' unfinished whodunnit, a murder mystery with audience participation. Come help pick the murderer, detective and young lovers who drive the plot. Most suitable for adults and older children. Tickets available online at www.ShowTix4U.com beginning February 26, $14/$10. Also available at the door, $16/12. Please note: online same-day sales end four hours before curtain time. For more info, contact 860 335-9434.
📅 Date: March 8, 9 at 7:30pm & March 10th at 3:00pm
Art Department Winter Newsletter
The National Art Honor Society has been hard at work planning and implementing some terrific community service projects. Click on this news post to learn more.
Wethersfield Public Schools is seeking children three years of age as of October 1st, 2024 to participate in the Wethersfield Preschool Program for the 2024-2025 school year. Our preschool is an integrated preschool program that includes children with and without special needs aging from 3 to 5 years.
Superintendent signs the first batch of Kindergarten Registrations!
Superintendent Michael signs the first batch of Kindergarten Registrations! Welcome to Wethersfield Public Schools graduating Class of 2037.
NEW Kindergarten age requirement
There is a NEW age requirement for the incoming kindergarten class of 2024-25. Beginning fall 2024, children must turn five years old on or before September 1 of the school year in order to enroll in kindergarten.
Empty bowls is an international project to fight hunger, personalized by artists on a community level. Join us for a heartwarming winter meal and a chance to make a difference in our community! Our art students from elementary to high school are crafting unique ceramic bowls to symbolize the empty bowls in our community.
📅 Date: Thursday, March 21st, 2024
Congratulations Symphonic Band
The Wethersfield High School Symphonic Band has been selected as 1 of 4 premiere ensembles in New England to participate in the 2024 National Band Association New England Band Symposium!
Parks & Rec Winter/Spring 2024
Wethersfield Parks and Recreation Winter & Spring Registration Begins January 3rd, 2024! Click on this news post to learn more about all of the available programs!
Health Insurance Fairs Across CT
Access Health CT (AHCT) has announced it will host six enrollment fairs in December to help Connecticut residents shop, compare, and enroll or renew their health coverage during the current Open Enrollment period.
Open Enrollment began Nov. 1, 2023, and runs through Jan. 15, 2024. Customers must enroll on or before Dec. 15, 2023, for coverage to begin Jan. 1, 2024. Customers who enroll between Dec. 16, 2023, and Jan. 15, 2024, will have coverage starting Feb. 1, 2024.
International Night 2023
Watch the highlights from our recent International Celebration hosted by the Highcrest Parent Equity Committee & Highcrest PTO. Explore cultural booths, games, crafts, international desserts, and dancing! Click to enjoy the video and share in the joyous moments of our global celebration!
2023 Superintendent's Awards
Congratulations to all of the award recipients of the 2023-2024 superintendent's awards! We are very proud to call you all part of the Wethersfield Public Schools community! Click here to view the photo album.
WHS Drama presents "Bloody Murder"
Wethersfield High School Drama presents "Bloody Murder", a classic whodunit with a twist, November 17 and 18 at 7:30pm, and Nov. 19 at 3:30pm. 411 Wolcott Hill Road, Wethersfield.
Tickets at www.ShowTix4U.com, and at the door. Tickets go on sale November 1.General admission, $12/$8 students and seniors.
For more info, sblanzaco@wethersfield.me
Muster your best sleuthing skills and join us!
The Central CT Health District still has Flu Vaccines available by appointment at their Clinic (506 Cromwell Ave, Suite 202 in Rocky Hill). They have pediatric, adult, and high dose vaccines available.
The dates are:
October 30th- 10am-3pm
November 6th- 10am-3pm
November 20th- 10am-3pm
Please make your appointment through https://chsappointments.as.me/chs
To excuse an absence, please email your childs School. Click on the image above to learn more about excused absences.
Restorative Questions to use at Home
Wethersfield Public Schools uses Restorative Practices to build strong classroom communities, prevent conflict, and develop student’s problem-solving skills. Building on SEL, Restorative Practices focus on resolving conflict and repairing harm. These practices support a positive and safe school climate, prevent bullying, and reduce the need for disciplinary action.
The Wethersfield Basketball Association is back! REC & Travel Basketball for kids grades K-8!
View some of the photos and videos from this years Convocation!
INTERMEDIUM Community Screening
Join us for a free community screening of Intermedium (PG13) that was filmed in Wethersfield! There will be a Q&A session to follow the screening with Director Erik Bloomquist and Cinematographer Mike Magilnick and possibly other professionals who were part of the writing, editing and production team.
Welcome our new WPS Teachers
We are excited to welcome our new WPS teachers this week! They are actively participating in a New Teacher Orientation this week and are excited to greet students on the first day of school, August 31!
Welcome WHS Future Educators
Sally Dastoli, Assistant Superintendent and Shannon Brown, CLASS Coordinator were excited to welcome four WHS Future Educators who taught students in the elementary CLASS this summer. Olivia Pellegrino, Veronica McKenna, Isa Houlihan, and Charlotte Daigle. WPS is excited to support the next generation of educators.
Free Breakfast & Lunch 23-24
We are very pleased to announce that the district will be offering free breakfast and lunch for all Wethersfield Public School students for the 2023-2024 school year. We will utilize State of Connecticut STABLE funds (State Transition Assistance for Breakfast and Lunch Expenses) and the district's Cafeteria Fund to provide the meals this year.
Paraeducator of the Year
Please join us in congratulating Rosanna D’Onofrio as the 2023-2024 Paraeducator of the Year!
Teacher of the Year
Please join us in congratulating Emily Caravella as the 2023-2024 Teacher of the Year!
Congratulations Class of 2023!
The Wethersfield High school Class of 2023 celebrated their graduation ceremony at Cove Park! They started with their traditional motorcade from Wethersfield High School and made their way to the event. Click the image above to view some photos from the occasion.
In honor of National Pride Month in June, we wanted to share with you that Wethersfield Public Schools has the Pride flag displayed in all schools to show our support for the LGBTQIA+ members of our community and as a reminder of our commitment to embrace and support a more inclusive community.
Beyond the Binary
WHEN - June 15th 5:30-7:00pm
WHO - Residents, students, business owners, town and BOE employees
WHERE - Wethersfield High School Media Center
6th Graders organize Supply Drive
GREAT KIDS: Sixth graders at Emerson Williams organized a supply drive to benefit Connecticut Humane Society.
Cabaret for Cause
Wethersfield High School Drama presents "Cabaret For Cause: A Broadway Review" to benefit the Alzheimer's Association, Friday, June 2, in the WHS Auditorium. Curtain time is 7pm. Food trucks from Smoke 'N Fire and Main Street Creamery will be on hand for meal purchases, beginning at 5pm. A silent auction will also add to the fun. Tickets are available ahead at www.ShowTix4U.com, and at the door. $12 general admission. Please join us at this family-friendly event for a worthy cause!
Teacher Appreciation Week
We are grateful for the committed, innovative, and tenacious teachers that serve the students in Wethersfield Public Schools. They work incredibly hard to positively influence the lives of many of the students they educate each day. Please join us in showing your appreciation and support by sending your teacher(s) and school nurse a note of appreciation or simply saying, “Thank you” or, “We appreciate all that you do.” Let’s show them how much we appreciate them!
Keane on Kids After School Program
Keane on Kids After School Enrichment program is proud to announce 2 Musical performances this Spring!
Highcrest Elementary Presents Willy Wonka Jr.
Friday, May 5th 7pm & Saturday, May 6th 2pm
Webb Elementary Presents Matilda Jr.
Friday, May 12th 7pm & Saturday May 13th 2pm
BIPOC Affinity Group
WPS Staff at SERC Dismantling Racism Conference - Pam Jones (EW), Doris Duggins (WHS), Jane Scully (CW), Maryam Hazratizadeh (HC), and Sally Dastoli presented at the SERC Dismantling Racism Conference on May 5th. They shared with other districts how the BIPOC Affinity group was started and the goal of the affinity group which is to connect, support, empower, discuss and collaboratively improve equity, recruitment, and retention of staff.
NAHS presents May Paint Night
Join the National art Honor Society for May Paint Night! Join us for a night of relaxation and creativity on Wednesday, May 17th from 5:45-8:00pm. Refreshments will be served. No need for any painting experience, just a design to have fun! Paint night is open to the Wethersfield Community so please bring your family and friends. Tickets are $10. Tickets will be on sale during WHS lunches, from any NAHS member, or email Andrea Haas to reserve your spot.
Junk in the Trunk
Join us for our first Community Tag Sale and Vendor fair at the DMV Parking Lot next to Cove Park in Wethersfield on Sunday, June 11, 2023 from 9 a.m. - 2 p.m. Reserve a parking spot to sell stuff below or just come shop! All proceeds benefit the Wethersfield Public Schools. Visit the website for more information.
Future Educators Club
Members of The Future Educators Club toured the UConn Storrs campus and learned about the Neag School of Education. In learning about the education program, extracurricular opportunities, the application process, and resources available to UConn students, members gained valuable insight to enhance their college and career planning. A highlight of the trip was a photo op with two UConn women Huskies basketball players and a trip to the UConn dairy bar!
Social Justice Coalition
The Wethersfield Social Justice Coalition (SJC) is a group of students, residents, town, and public school employees, who are interested in discussing & addressing issues of social justice in our community. This month’s meeting featured a visit from the Imam of the Bosnian-American Islamic Cultural Center, Šerif Delić and his wife Dženana Delić. They shared a brief history of the war in Bosnia, their personal story of moving to Wethersfield and information about how to support our students who may be fasting during Ramadan. We invite all students, staff and residents to attend our next meeting on April 20, 2023.
Habitat for Humanity
WHS senior girls are participating in Habitat for Humanity's Women Build program. They're hoping to raise $2,000 by April 15th. If they’re successful, Jeff Moger will dye his hair purple! If you'd like to contribute, click this link or the image above!
Women's History Month
Join the Celebration: Amplifying Women's Voices and Recognizing Their Contributions as We Honor Women's History Month Together.
VITA is a service that United Way and our partners offer where IRS-certified volunteers help Connecticut residents prepare and file their taxes, looking for all of the tax credits and refunds families might be eligible for.
WPS Celebrates Black History Month
Honoring the legacy and achievements of black pioneers. Join us in Celebrating Black History Month.
School Mental Health Workers Grant
The Connecticut State Department of Education (CSDE) is pleased to announce the recipients of the Department’s 2023-2025 ARPA – School Mental Health Workers Grant, which will deploy $5 million in CSDE’s American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funding....
Wethersfield Public Schools is seeking children three years of age as of October 1, 2023 to participate in the Wethersfield Preschool Program for the 2023-2024 school year. Our preschool is an integrated preschool program that includes children with and without special needs aging from 3 to 5 years.
Superintendent Awards 2023
Congratulations to all who were recognized in this years Superintendent Awards!
School of Distinction 2021-2022
Please join us in congratulating all members of the Hanmer Community on being a School of Distinction!
Job Opportunities Available
Wethersfield Public Schools is hiring paraprofessionals and behavior specialists. Candidates are required to have a 2 year degree or pass a parapro exam. The schedule is up to 29 hours a week.
The Department of Public Health (DPH) and Connecticut State Department of Education (CSDE) stress the importance of monitoring the health and wellness of our students, families, and staff. The state of CT has seen a significant rise in Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV), Influenza (flu), and COVID-19 over the past few weeks....
Attendance Matters
School is key to your child’s well-being. Did you know, even 2 absences a month can impact a student's long-term academic success. The school system provides guidelines to help you decide when to keep your child home....
It's time to let your inner artist out and join the National Art Honor Society at their December Paint Night. No experience is necessary, just a desire to relax and have some creative fun. Tickets are $10 with a new unwrapped toy.
Tickets are being sold during lunch waves at WHS. You can see any NAHS member or email to reserve your spot.
In recognition of American Education Week November 12-19, 2022 please join us in celebrating the many heroes who work in our schools. From teachers to cafeteria staff, bus drivers, paraprofessionals, administrative staff, nurses, administrators, plus countless others who are incredibly important in helping our students grow and learn every day.
DECA Thanksgiving Food Drive
Deca will be collecting food for our annual Thanksgiving Food Drive to benefit the Wethersfield Food Pantry from November 7th - 18th. Donations can be dropped off at the WHS main office, or to various classroom collection boxes around the school.
Wethersfield Public Schools’ SMART allocation for free meals is anticipated to be exhausted on November 30th, 2022. However, Wethersfield Public Schools will continue to offer free breakfast and free lunch for all students for the remainder of the 2022-2023 school year.
Families are highly encouraged to complete a Free/Reduced application to determine eligibility for other income based programs within the district and to secure meal status for the first 30 operating days of the 2023-2024 school year.
WHS presents "Our Town"
Wethersfield High School Drama presents Thornton Wilder's "Our Town" on November 10, 11 and 12 at 7:30 PM, and November 13 at 3 PM. 411 Wolcott Hill Road, Wethersfield. Just as relevant today as when first staged in 1938, students and faculty will bring Grover's Corners and its townspeople to life. Tickets available at www.Showtix4u.com beginning November 1, and at the door. $10 general admission, $5 students and seniors.
BIPOC Community Fair
The Wethersfield Public School’s Affinity Group is sponsoring the district’s first BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, People of Color) community event on Thursday, November 3rd from 5-7 p.m.
Online Book Fair
The Wethersfield Education Foundation is hosting an ONLINE BOOK FAIR for all ages with Spark Book Fairs from October 14th - October 30th. Any sales made from this link during that time will earn the foundation 30%. All money raised by the foundation benefits Wethersfield students. Wait until you see the amazing deals you can get From Spark!
WECC Turns 10
WECC is looking back through the eyes of families we've served in the past 10 years and looking ahead to how we can help young children, parents and grandparents in Wethersfield.
Join Us October 18th at 5:30 p.m. at the Keeney Memorial Center for our 2022 WECC Annual Meeting.
Wethersfield Basketball
The Wethersfield Basketball Association is back! This year with a NEW program for kids in GRADES K, 1, & 2.
Rec Basketball - GRADES 3-8
Travel Team Basketball - GRADES 5-8
Chalk for Peace!
Step outside onto your school blacktop and show us what peace means to you! Using chalk, draw or write a quote about peace.
Join youth across CT in spreading positive messages about PEACE!
Click here to view the flyer.
2022 Welcome Back Convocation
View some of the photos and videos from this years Convocation!
2022 Young Musicians Concert
WHS Marching Band invites you to the 2022 Young Musicians Concert for WPS Music Families grades K-12!
Click here to view the flyer.
Teacher of the Year for Wethersfield Public Schools
Please join us in congratulating Sue Coco as the 2022-2023 Teacher of the Year!
Click here to read more.
Paraeducator of the Year for Wethersfield Public Schools
Please join us in congratulating Stacie Distin as the 2022-2023 Paraeducator of the Year!
Click here to read more.
Kindergarten Registration
Registration for Kindergarten for the 2022-2023 school year is now available.
Continuing Learning Across Summer Session
Wethersfield Public Schools is excited to offer incoming K-8 students the opportunity to register for grant funded free, fun and engaging summer learning opportunities! Follow this link to learn more about CLASS and to register!
Cabaret for Ukraine!
Food from Bears BBQ & The Creamery will be available beginning at 5:30. The show will begin at 7:30. House of Flora will be selling flowers and there will be a silent auction.
Tickets are 10$ and all proceeds go to World Central Kitchen.
Tickets are sold on Showtix4u.com
Attention Certified Substitutes!
We are offering a retention bonus of up to $1500 to complete the LTS assignment! (depending on the length of the assignment)
Please contact Dawn Campbell dcampbell@wethersfield.me for more information.
2022 AP Art & Design Exhibit
Advanced Placement Art and Design is excited to announce "Oops I Arted," the 2022 AP Art and Design Exhibit.
Please join this group of talented young artists for an Opening Reception on Thursday May 19th from 5-7pm as we celebrate this group of talented young artists and their accomplishments. All of the artists would love to see you there.
SDMS students raise funds for Ukraine
Mr. Minor's 8th grade SDMS students demonstrated empathy and action this month raising more than $1,000 for Americares to help send medical supplies to suffering Ukrainians. With help from their teacher and the school library staff, they researched the Ukraine/Russia war; investigated and selected a non-profit organization (Americares); and created designs to make pins for peace using the school library's button maker.
WHS JETS Engineering Design Team takes second place!
Congratulations to members of the Wethersfield High School JETS Engineering Design Team, who participated in Source America's IDEATE engineering competition last week. The team took second place in the high school competition and tied with Virginia Tech for first place in the People's Choice Award.
Join us for Kindergarten Orientation!
Meet your school's principal and other staff members. Take a Tour of the school and see Kindergarten classrooms & more.
National Art Honor Society Show
Gallery Hours are during School Hours - Please enter through the Front Doors. March 23 - April 22, 2022.
SDMS After School Activity Sign Ups!
It's not too late for middle school students to sign up for some fun after-school activities! Contact Patrick Telman at Wethersfield Social and Youth Services for more information (860)-721-2981.
WPS presents the Annual District Festival Concert
Join us on April 6th, at 6pm in the WHS Auditorium for our annual District Festival Concert featuring Wethersfield Public Schools Festival Chorus, Band & Orchestra. Doors open at 5:45pm!
Congratulations to our Music Students!
Wethersfield Public Schools would like to honor our music students participating in the Connecticut Music Educators Association. Click the image above to view the slideshow!
Kelly Education Opportunities
Kelly® Education is hiring great people to substitute in your local schools, for both teaching and non-teaching positions. Try a new morning routine with a meaningful job that gives you the flexibility to create your own work schedule.
'Culture Of Change' Presents: Unmask the Stash: The Secret world of Discreet Drug Trends
Take part in this interactive presentation designed to educate adults about the dangers of youth substance trends.
Congratulations to our WHS Boys Hockey Team!
Wethersfield defeats North Haven 3-0 to win the Division 2 Ice Hockey Championship!
The Wethersfield Public Schools is looking for friendly, smart and talented newcomers to help fill the following critical openings: Curriculum Specialist; Special Education Teacher; Paraprofessional; Behavior Specialist; Lunch & Recess Aide; Tutor; Board Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA); School/Family Liaison.