WPS Building for the Future
TSKP Studio Renovation Project Website - (scroll past the "Work in Progress" section at the top)
Members of the committee visited South Windsor Public Schools on January 29th, 2024. Attendees included:
Mayor Ken Lesser
Board Chair Bobbie Granato
Superintendent Michael Emmett
Town Manager Fred Presley
Board Member Jon Weiner
Board Member Marjorie Callan-Carson
Parent Carrie Hill
Parent Doug Sudell
Grandparent Sally Keating
Dr. Kate Carter, Superintendent of the South Windsor Public Schools met with our group and provided an outline of the South Windsor projects. South Windsor's plan included the reduction of schools from five to four. They originally focused on a combination of new building and renovation, but they ultimately ended up building 4 new buildings. South Windsor attempted to go to referendum for the full amount of the project twice. It failed each time. Dr. Carter broke up the project into multiple referendums. Each referendum passed with the last one passing by the largest margin.
Dr. Carter talked about the communication plan they used and shared a trifold brochure they shared with the community that was updated over the course of the project. Dr. Carter also pointed to a very strong parent PAC that was very active in the community. Dr. Carter also reported that while their project is complete, they have seen an unusually large surge in new students enrolling. This has resulted in the need to bring in portables, shift programming, and continue to use their closed school for some programs. We then visited Pleasant Valley Elementary School. As you might imagine, it was absolutely beautiful (see photos below). As for next steps, the Community and Public Relations Committee met last night. A survey is currently being developed that encompasses the plans that the committee has discussed over the course of our meetings. This survey will go out to the community with the intent of understanding residents' interest in the prospective plans. The Facilities and Maintenance Committee will be meeting next Monday evening and will be discussing the request for proposal RFP process for consultant services. Thank you to all who attended the visit and a huge thank you to everyone who has been part of the Ad Hoc Committee process.
2018 WPS Facilities Conditions Assessment

2023 WPS Facilities Conditions Assessment Update