

Watch a quick video or complete a parent training module to get started using ParentSquare today! The videos and training module below are designed to help you tour ParentSquare and set your preferences.

Parent Training Module - designed to take 15 minutes and covers the things you need to know about using ParentSquare as a parent!

Welcome Parents!

Getting Started Parent Video

Video Library

Helpful Tips

How to change the Language
How to change notification settings


Similar to most social media platforms, ParentSquare presents posts from school staff in a continuous scroll or feed. You have the ability to scroll through all posts that have been made available to you. 

When you reply to a post, that message will only be seen by the post creator. It will not be seen by any of the other families attached to the post.

At the top of the page there will be a box that says search posts. Type something from the post that you're looking for.